This wonderful job of parenting continues to be a great experience, as I’m sure God intended it to be. I said to my mom this morning, “why is it that my children can’t just get themselves together and be good all at the same time and bad all at the same time??”. I know it doesn’t actually work like that but it sure would be nice.
Anyway, Jake is such a great kid but a boundary pusher all the way. He’s fun and quirky, crazy, silly and loves to make people laugh but such a basketcase of emotions. Last year I blogged about how he had gotten in trouble at school for peeing on the playground. In that same year he had to have a “chat” with the principal because he was misbehaving in class. Sam was mortified that his younger brother had already gotten sent to the principal’s office in Kindergarten and Sam was in grade 3 and had so far managed to avoid that horrendous experience. Yesterday, Jake came home declaring that he had been sent to the back of the line and had to have his picture taken last because he was goofing off. Then as the story progressed I find he’d had another “chat” with our wonderful principal (this time because she was watching said behaviour and managed to step in before it got too much more crazy). Then today his teacher called me into class at the end of the day saying Jake had been spoken to on the playground for a game he was playing with his friends. The game in and of itself was not the issue but the lack of obedience that ensued was a problem. Then in class the teacher had to separate him from the class and Jake thought it would be appropriate to tell his teacher that was exactly what he wanted.
Now before I go further with my thoughts, I have to interject to say what an amazing freedom I felt walking into that classroom with no guilt as a parent. I know it’s my job to rear my children in a way that glorifies God but I also know that as our children begin to grow they have to learn to take responsibility for their actions. I appreciated the sense of grace I felt in knowing that I am a good parent. I make mistakes, I do have times of immense guilt but in this situation I felt secure in the knowledge that my children will make mistakes too and that does not always reflect negatively on who I am as a parent or as a person.
Anyway, I can be very thankful for the fact that both of my children have wonderful teachers and as a result Jake’s was very understanding of him and encouraged him to come back tomorrow with the Jake she “knows and loves”. It was an encouraging encounter and I know that as James and I trust and rely on God’s strength to raise our children He will give us wisdom and guidance in how best to accomplish this job well!