Before I share what we’ve been up to lately I had to share a few fun pictures for the benefit of those whom have not seen the kids recently.

The first few are of Lanae. She’s getting so big and is very busy. She’s eating solids and taking a bottle. I’m pretty sure she’s going to be crawling soon as she manages to roll all around a room when she wants to get going and just recently has tried to get up on all fours. She’s not sitting on her own yet but I’m sure that will follow shortly.

There’s also a few pictures of Jacob! He’s a fun kid! Sometimes a ham, sometimes a mama’s boy. We’re not always sure when the mood will strike. For now he loves following his big brother around especially at baseball.
Finally a few of Sam! He’s getting huge and nearly finished kindergarten. I can’t believe next year he’ll be starting grade 1 (eeeekkk). Where does the time go. Anyway for now he’s doing T-ball and will be starting soccer at the beginning of July. He loves sports and is very adept at them as well. There isn’t a day that goes by that he’s off doing sports in some way or another.