Timothy and Amber Neufeld! So now that they have seen their pictures I feel safe posting the link to their proofs.

Paul McDermott did our family pictures when Lanae was a newborn and we plan on hiring him again in the fall for family pictures with our newest addition. He does a wonderful job of being creative and capturing the moment.

Tim and Amber look absolutely stunning and we are so happy for them. Enjoy!


P.S. to scroll between pictures just click to the left side or right side of the actual picture and a little arrow pops up for you to click on.

So this weekend was full of festivities for the Neufeld family! Tim & Amber are now officially Mr. & Mrs. Neufeld and we all had the opportunity to celebrate with them. Unfortunately I don’t have a lot of pictures of the bride and groom mainly because I was too busy snapping pictures of my own adorable children. But I figured I’d leave that up to the professional and when we got the proofs I’d attach a link of their
pictures for all to enjoy.

The kids did great all weekend despite being up until 10:30 almost every night. Sam did a great job pulling the wagon down the aisle and Lanae and Jake both stayed quietly in the wagon. Jake blew a few bubbles and Lanae even threw a handful or so of flower petals. They also all danced the night away at the reception. As was to be expected Jake was the center of attention with his dance moves. I didn’t have a video camera to capture the moment but I’ll be sure to get one when Joel gets married.

Upon reflection I have to say that it is odd to have another brother married. I mentioned to James that after 8 years of being the only sibling married it feels a bit surreal that two of my brothers are now married men within a year of each other. It feels good to know that our family is expanding and I’m sure before we know my kids will finally have cousins. The boys are definitely starting to notice that they don’t have that luxury. They keep asking me when I’m going to be an Auntie? I tell them they have to bug Auntie Trish and Uncle Bennie about these things but all in good time!

Anyway, now for the description of these fabulous pictures.

Here is Jake blowing bubbles for Uncle Ben while we wait to have our professional family picture taken.

This is Sam patiently waiting in the van while Daddy goes to get some new shades. A good looking kid if I do say so myself.
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Here is Lanae at the train station in Fort Langley playing around the station house.

Here are the three sweethearts hanging out in the wagon waiting to walk down the aisle.

Here we are at the reception waiting to eat.

A tired little girl after a long weekend.

My two sons getting ready to break it down on the dance floor. Sam was a little shy but Jake had no problems hamming it up and pulling out his best moves when the dancing started.

James and I in our token shot. Too bad it’s always one of us behind the camera.

Well after rising with the birds (quite literally since the birds outside Lanae’s window were chirping at 4:30 and she couldn’t sleep through it) I feel a little tired and washed out. Life gets busy right. We all know that and days pass without so much of a notice! What would we do without special markers to remind us of the things we need to be thankful for!

Today is special for a number of reasons of course. I woke up to a really annoying call of mommy so early in the morning but shortly after I realized that the beautiful face of my little girl is too precious to really be frustrated with too long. Then I was blessed to hear my second comedian of a son talk about how he was going to marry his brother. Thankfully he realized after a quick chat with his dad that he actually had to marry a girl, however he proposed to his older brother that they marry the same girl! It was definitely worth a laugh. Then I dropped my “football star” off at school today and was thankful that even though he’s a little resistant to the new way of doing sports he is a great little athlete and loves to run, practise and get dirty. Now as I sit here and feel my last little gymnast practise his/her moves I am grateful mostly to my husband who loves me enough be patient and walk beside in this crazy life.

Yes the main reason today is special is because I celebrate 9 years with a great guy! He’s patient, kind, caring, compassionate and loving even when I’m my most unlovable (which is a lot these days what with all the hormones coursing through my body)! What would I do without him you ask? Well to be truthful I’m sure I would survive, God is gracious enough to get us through everything, but I really wouldn’t choose that. I love to share my life with him. I love to laugh, cry, pray, talk, etc. with him whenever I get the chance and I really can’t imagine how much I would be missing without him in my life.

I know I sound really sappy, probably because I’m really exhausted but mostly because I really do love the guy I got to marry. Hopefully he knows it everyday, even when I forget to tell him.

Here’s to 9 years past and many, many more to come! Love you James!!!

For those who are checking I have had a few requests for updates about baby so here goes! We had our ultrasound on May 30th (Sam’s 7th birthday) and everything went great. All measurements of head, heart, spine, hands, feet, etc. were right on target with nothing noted as abnormal. Baby was measured at 18 weeks 6 days (my calculations said 19 weeks 3 days) so we were within a few days of each other and that’s as it should be. From what the tech said she was verily confident regarding gender (although they always say it’s not 100%) but they were not able to reveal to us directly. They will send the results via “snail” mail to our midwife when I have passed the 20 week mark according to their calculations which would mean they will put the results in the mail tomorrow. Since I have decided not to find out the gender but James would like to know the midwives will either call and speak to James or they will simply leave the results in the envelope for James to look at. He is quite certain that we are having another girl but I think he might be going on wishful thinking as I feel pretty sure it’s another boy.
Here is the picture from the ultrasound of the baby’s profile. It doesn’t look quite as much a Davenport as the other three did in their pictures but that could just be the quality of the picture.

Everything else is going great. Baby has started moving quite a bit and the kids are looking forward to when they can actually feel the baby themselves. I think we might have had a growth spurt as well since I seem to be popping out a little than even 5 days ago. Anyway, in no time at all I’m sure I’ll feel huge.

Here is a picture taken today at 20 weeks 5 days by my calculations or 20 weeks 1 day by the baby’s measurements.

Hope that satisfies all the curiousity and I’ll be sure to keep you updated as things progress.

I was trying to get things in chronological order but clearly that’s impossible with a blog or maybe it’s just me! Anyway, these pics are from April which was a pretty busy month for us.

Here is a picture of Jake holding his 2nd place trophy from the Annual Awana Grand Prix. Both the boys designed a car with James and then raced it against other kids their age. Jake was 2nd in the Novice division. Thankfully Sam was a good sport about it and tried to be happy for his brother.

The three kidlets having a teaparty. Thankfully the boys are pretty indulgent with their sister. Well if I was being entirely truthful I would admit that it’s actually at the insistence of Jake that they play “tea party”.

This was a gift from daddy for a belated Easter! The man across the street was selling bunnies but when he had a hard time getting rid of them he offered us a few for free. Thankfully Ben had a cage and all the gear so we just went and picked out two cute bunnies from “The Bunny Man” (as the kids refer to him since they don’t know his real name)! They are Fighty and Snuggle Ben, clearly named by their young owners. We’re not sure what the significance is but we just smile and nod.

Here is Lanae in one of her favorite pasttimes of pulling all the pots and pans out of the cupboard and then sitting in the ones that fit her!

And this of course is baby Davenport #4, picture taken at 12 weeks! So far growing steadily. I am actually nearly 20 weeks (halfway there) and feeling great. A little bigger than this but not much. James, Sam and I are going for the ultrasound tomorrow afternoon. Sam is very excited and although he would prefer another sister he said yesterday that all he cares about is that the baby is healthy (what a sweet boy)!

Early in April we rented a cabin from some friends of friends up in Hemlock. We had a wonderful time with my family and played in lots of snow. Lanae also took the time to practise up on her beautician skills and unfortunately for daddy he had to be the test subject. He was a good sport though!

Here they are the dress-up kids. We had a fun afternoon one day just messing around with the dress-up bin. Unfortunately for the boys they had to be more creative since I have lots of girl stuff but not many boy things. They did pretty good although I question Jake’s choice. Regardless we had a great time getting on our “train” and travelling to far of places (all in the living room of course).