Well after rising with the birds (quite literally since the birds outside Lanae’s window were chirping at 4:30 and she couldn’t sleep through it) I feel a little tired and washed out. Life gets busy right. We all know that and days pass without so much of a notice! What would we do without special markers to remind us of the things we need to be thankful for!

Today is special for a number of reasons of course. I woke up to a really annoying call of mommy so early in the morning but shortly after I realized that the beautiful face of my little girl is too precious to really be frustrated with too long. Then I was blessed to hear my second comedian of a son talk about how he was going to marry his brother. Thankfully he realized after a quick chat with his dad that he actually had to marry a girl, however he proposed to his older brother that they marry the same girl! It was definitely worth a laugh. Then I dropped my “football star” off at school today and was thankful that even though he’s a little resistant to the new way of doing sports he is a great little athlete and loves to run, practise and get dirty. Now as I sit here and feel my last little gymnast practise his/her moves I am grateful mostly to my husband who loves me enough be patient and walk beside in this crazy life.

Yes the main reason today is special is because I celebrate 9 years with a great guy! He’s patient, kind, caring, compassionate and loving even when I’m my most unlovable (which is a lot these days what with all the hormones coursing through my body)! What would I do without him you ask? Well to be truthful I’m sure I would survive, God is gracious enough to get us through everything, but I really wouldn’t choose that. I love to share my life with him. I love to laugh, cry, pray, talk, etc. with him whenever I get the chance and I really can’t imagine how much I would be missing without him in my life.

I know I sound really sappy, probably because I’m really exhausted but mostly because I really do love the guy I got to marry. Hopefully he knows it everyday, even when I forget to tell him.

Here’s to 9 years past and many, many more to come! Love you James!!!

2 thoughts on “What’s so special about today???

  1. Aaww! Very nice post. Congratulations on still liking each other after 9 years! 🙂 You guys are a great couple and I love seeing the way you have grown together over the years. We are grateful for your friendship!

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