I had a wonderful day yesterday celebrating being a mom that started on Friday afternoon and continued well into Monday!  So really I would rather refer to it this year as Mother’s weekend!

Friday afternoon I was invited by Jake’s teacher to a Mother’s day tea.  She asked if I would be willing to help her out a little before the rest of the moms arrived and I was more than glad to accomodate her request.  I got out my fine china with the full intention of spoiling the moms of Jake’s friends.  We had a great time drinking tea and eating strawberry shortcake and watching our enthusiastic five and six year olds singing the “Cricket Can-can” and a few other well rehearsed songs.  Every child was so happy to show their mom (or Grandma) just how special they were.  Jake gave me a little card with a tea bag inside and a great painting he’d done.  It was a very special time for me to share with just him.

Saturday continued with an evening out with a few of my other mommy friends.  It was such a joy to have us all together again for a time of fun and laughter.  It was hard to believe that we hadn’t done a girls night out since September as we picked up as if we’d never left off.  Basking in the sun at Stanley park, checking out funny cards at Chapters and partaking of a fun feast of chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate (oh, and a little bit of wine).

Our plans for Sunday had originally involved church, home for lunch and naps and then another family trip to Stanley park with James’ family but plans changed a little…I headed to church early to take care of a few details I’d missed during the week and when church was over was told to get changed and hope in the van because we were ready to go.  James had packed a picnic lunch, a change of clothes for all the girls and was ready to head straight in.  We ended up finding a wonderful place to picnic just the six of us and then met up with James’ family at Second beach to let the kids play.  We finished by walking back to Drew’s place (James’ brother) and then heading home in time to listen to the Canucks win the game on the radio (not really a big deal for me but the men in my life appreciated it)!

Today I figured we’d had such a good weekend and I really didn’t want it to end so I gave the kids a “mental health day”.  My mom did this for me when I was little and I believe it made all the difference for me in my schooling years as I really never had the desire to skip school because I knew if I really needed a break all I had to do was ask and it would be figured out.  So as a treat I declared it play-day for me and the kids and I abandoned all my regular monday chores for a day of fun.  No laundry, house-cleaning, etc.  The kids still had a few chores they had to take care of before heading out but nothing major.  We headed to Mill Lake park for 2 1/2 hours in the morning to discover bull frogs, tree climbing, ducklings, goslings, a new playground and a lot of beautiful sunshine.  Then we went to the library for some new reading material, then to the grocery store for a few necessities and a cookie from the bakery, then home to have lunch, play games and quiet time.  We finished off our day with dinner and cheering Sam on at baseball.

I really couldn’t have been blessed with a more enjoyable, relaxing, encouraging weekend than what I experienced.  In the moments when I questions my sanity and really debate with myself why I wanted this life of chaos I can look back at the last four days and recognize that the treasures I have in this life are unbelievably abundant and God has richly blessed me in every area of my life!

Birthdays in my life seem to pass with no great trauma!  I get to celebrate with the people I love the most and often it involves a gift of some sort.  Sometimes a gift that really rocks and other times just a little something to help me feel special!  The day in and of itself doesn’t seem to create any great feelings in me one way or the other.  I remember anticipating my birthday as a child and really enjoying the fabulous birthday parties my mom threw.  As an adult I enjoy that I have a day that’s all about me (let’s be realistic, I think every woman loves that) and that it creates a reason for me to hang out with the kids, my husband, my parents and in-laws and all my brothers and sisters.  It seems as we get older there are fewer opportunities to share with our extended family and I miss that.  This year I didn’t get a chance to hang out with James’ family (but we’re getting together for mother’s day with them so we’ll make up for it) but my family ALL managed to make it to our place for dinner and cake.  It gave me lots of warm fuzzies, that probably sounds weird but it’s true, to see my kids being loved by their aunts, uncles, grandma and grandpa!  The kids absolutely adore all their extended family and having those relationships is a gift all on its own. 

So when I look at the last 31 years and see how far we’ve come, the things we’ve accomplished in that period of time I can only say…”bring on the next 31 baby”!  Hopefully there will be many more memories to create, laughter to share, kids to love, and just general fun times!

I know I haven’t been posting a lot of pictures lately and I’ll be sure to get to some of those soon.  But I wanted to take just a few minutes to share some fun!  As some of you know James promised me dance lessons as my Christmas gift.  He put the money aside and said he would book them when it got closer to my brother’s wedding so we could at least remember what we’d learned instead of doing it right after Christmas.

Of course we didn’t take the chance to start lessons when life was slow, we decided to wait until we had every night packed with activity before we decided to give it a try.  I’m pretty sure James and I are both the kind of people who like to move, move, move all the time.  It’s no wonder that our children have issues sitting still and relaxing:)  Anyway, as time passed we realized we better make this happen or we would miss the chance to use our new found dancing skills at Joel and Meghan’s wedding!

So fast forward to April 27th @ 6:30pm!  We headed out the door with 45 minutes to get to Langley, get dinner and get gas.  Yup, another night of rushing out the door.  After grabbing Wendy’s and some gas we jumped on the freeway for Langley.  Uneventful for the most part until we come to finding the studio.  Okay I exaggerate a bit but truth be told James drives the van like a race car and it makes me nervous and when he zoomed past the turn it made me feel justified in getting on his case for not paying attention.  I think we both thought the same thing…”what a way to start a new adventure and give our marriage a little life”!  Thankfully we were both able to take a breath, laugh it off and get ourselves back in the mood of the evening.

So the studio itself seems a little boring from the outside (it’s located in an industrial park) but once you step inside it’s a very nicely laid out, well-kept little place.  There were a lot of people there for the intro class we were taking and another good chunk of people there to take a level 2 Waltz class.  James and signed in, paid and then proceeded to look around at a number of people pouring in all carrying their special shoe bags.  We wondered if we missed something and then realized that not everyone had these, only the “serious” dancers.  Yes, we laughed at these well-intentioned folks who probably joined the classes just like us but found a new passion and pursued it whole-heartedly! 

Our class was scheduled from 7:30-8:30 and we were supposed to learn Tango, Waltz and Swing.  Yes, the Tango is the sexy dance where the man carries a rose in his mouth.  No, James did not have a rose in his mouth and he did not run his hand up my leg or dip me!  This is intro people we only learned the most basic steps.  It was a great lesson in allowing my husband to lead.  I held my tongue and held my body back from taking charge.  It wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be and James has great rythme so I think we actually did pretty good.  I know for a fact James had fun and I’m pretty sure he’ll be keen on taking a few more lessons in the future.  We laughed at our silly moments (we only stepped on each other’s toes once) and when we got home James even whipped me in his arms once in the kitchen to practise the tango!

We are both looking forward to our next class and hopefully this will be the start of something new and exciting that we can both enjoy in years to come!

I think one of the greatest struggles I have as a grown-up is living without!  I am always thankful that I live in a country where there is so much abundance.  If truth be told it’s over abundance which tends to lead to over-indulgence but in all fairness it’s hard to keep from wanting more and more and more when that’s the world we live in and it’s available.

As a child I never wanted for anything.  Sure I THOUGHT there were things I REALLY, REALLY needed and I’m sure I laid the guilt trip on nice and heavy at times but my every need was met and without going overboard I got many of the thing I wanted too.  My parents didn’t go crazy with name brand clothing, they didn’t take us on really extravagant holidays every year, we didn’t get the latest and greatest toy the moment it hit the shelf but we were happy.  The memories I have of my childhood are fresh and pure.  The kind of memories I hope my own children have…playing in the yard, learning to ride a bike, camping with my family, etc.

Now that I am entering the years that I know my children will remember I battle the same things I’m sure my own parents did when I was my kids age.  I will place a disclaimer here that I DO NOT in ANY WAY regret the choices in my life…I’m happy, I love who I am, where I’ve come from and where I’m at right now BUT I do sometimes lay in bed at night wondering how my life would be different had I made different choices.  What if James and I had waited just a few more years to get married?  What if I had finished my degree completely before I had Sam?  What if we had just stayed in the townhouse a few more years?  What if we only have two children instead of four?  What if I didn’t make being at home with my children a priority and decided to work fulltime?  So many what ifs you might say.  Then after I reconcile the choices I’ve made with the firm belief that my God is in control I move on to living in the here and now.  Unfortunately there are many questions that plague my mind in my reality as well.  What if Sam feels forever scarred because he’s missing out when he doesn’t get the latest and great video game system, or to participate in ice hockey (as he so desperately wants to)?  What if I missed a really big opportunity by not putting Jake in dance, since he has such great moves?  What if Lanae could have been a really talented musician but we just couldn’t do the music lessons, the sports, the educational extras?  What if by the time Annie gets old enough to do these things we can manage it and the older three are bitter because they didn’t get the same chances?  All this in the name of not enough money!!!!  You see where it just never ends.  And yet I know I can’t change where we are.  James has a great job that he is super happy at.  I have a great opportunity at the job I’m at and hopefully it will help me as I continue towards a teaching position.  My kids go to school where they can learn, they have more than two changes of clothes, they eat more than three square meals a day, we each only share a room with one person, they sleep in warmth and safety, and the list goes on for days.  If I tried really hard I could make the list of haves three, four, five times as long as the have nots.  Why can I not daily live in that place?

To answer that question I have to go back to the basic roots of my upbringing…another area of my life that my parents blessed me with.  To the basic fact that God created a desire in each of us for MORE!  He intended that desire to be filled with his Holy Spirit, with his peace, with his understanding, love, patience, and goodness, but in the world that we’ve created for ourselves we seek to fill that desire with STUFF.  I recognize this is a great insecurity in my life.  I’m not sure where it came from and why it holds me but it does.  In my times of quiet I lay it at the cross but pretty much every time I get up from that place I take it back.  Do I fear he won’t carry it for me?  Do I fear he’s incapable, do I brashly think I’m MORE capable?  Again I can’t answer that question but I have to trust that in the grander scheme of things God is GREATER than all these things and whether I chose to embrace that or not he remains just that GREATER…

Greater than a new house
Greater than a new car
Greater than ice hockey
Greater than the latest toy for my kids
Greater than the latest technology released by Apple
Greater than the most fabulous vacation on earth
And definitely GREATER than my desire to have all of the above!!!

So after a wonderful weekend that was spent reminding our entire family of Christ’s love for us I spent the morning today being reminded that there was in fact a reason that we NEED Jesus to have accomplished redemption for us.  Here’s why…

I’m not sure if it’s mainly because Sam is the oldest, and everything is new with him or if it’s because of his personality but I find so many more challenges in parenting him than my other children.  It’s not a matter of favortism or dislike by any stretch of the imagination I just often find myself at my end with him and more often than not I lose it!

This morning was a typical start to our week.  He’s an incredibly smart boy who does very well in school.  His teachers always speak very highly of him, his attitude and behaviour, his actions to other children and his schoolwork.  But the first day back to school after a weekend more often than not ends up in a battle.  He says he hates school and it’s too hard.  If I remember the cycle in the morning than I take preventative steps and we manage to get out the door without a fight but IF I’m tired or short it makes for a very regretful morning.  Today was a morning that I forgot and I hadn’t had a very good sleep so I was rushed and extremely tired.  As I reminded him again and again and again to do various tasks to get ready for the day I found myself closer and closer to the edge.  Of course not acting the adult I should have I stepped over and the result was less than desireable.

The thing that struck me the most when Sam and I discussed it in the van was how transparently I could see his heart through his eyes.  What I saw was rebellion, anger, arrogance and a general lack of care or concern for the events that had unfolded. 

Now as many moms know this can happen at various times throughout our children’s lives and it’s not that I didn’t expect it it’s just I thought I had a little more time to prepare for this stage of life.    I explained to Sam what I saw in his eyes and asked him if that’s who he wanted to be.  A sheen of tears appeared and he mumbled “no” but he quickly composed himself and shut out the clear conviction of the Holy Spirit in his heart.  It made me sad to see my oldest son willingly close the door and at the same time made me realize that aside from being on my knees more often for this child I cherish that I HAVE  to find a different way to parent him.  He has never had the kind of sensitive spirit that other children possess, instead he has a drive and determination that keep him going.  It’s not to say that he doesn’t feel or that he can’t find compassion in his heart but these are not his strong areas.  He is rule-lover, he sees black and white, he sees the beginning and the end.  In so many ways he mirrors me.

After I dropped him off I began to take note of the things he values.  He loves sports, he enjoys his friendships, he ALWAYS wants to spend quality time with James and I, he thrives through competition and activity.  At first I thought perhaps what we needed to do was take away some of those activities that he loves in order to make him think about his attitude, perhaps he needs to have a complete absence of these things.  I tried to think of ways that we could replace these activities with more faith-based programs or church type activities to help him get to the heart of some of this.  But I soon realized that God meets us where we are…putting him into another program will not change his heart only God can do that and that taking things that he loves away will probably lead to more rebellion and anger.  I realized that he needed to see more from me as his mom and feeling Christ’s example in my life.  I began to see that I needed to be more intentional in bringing Christ into our everyday life and perhaps even more importantly doing some sort of devotions with him that will help him begin to see the conviction of the Holy Spirit and willingly open his heart to that.  He sees it in James through Pioneer clubs ministry and they have a chance to share bible teaching in this venue but Sam doesn’t get a lot of that personal reflection that develops character here at home.

I am hoping that we can overcome some of these struggles through prayer on mine and James’ part but I’m also hoping that we can begin to work through some of these heart issues with Sam on a more practical level as well!  After spending a bit of time in prayer and in scripture this morning I feel much more positive than I did this morning and I hope and continue to pray that God will guide James and I through this incredibly difficult, but rewarding job of parenting.

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted. Sorry I didn’t keep you up to date on the book I was reading. I did finish it and was thoroughly inspired by it. Many of the concepts and ideas cross my mind as I parent my children daily. I donated it to the church library so those who go to Heritage can check it out there and others who want to read it can find it at a local christian bookstore or online I’m sure (definitely worth the read)!

I thought I’d just post a few pictures of life in the Davenport home as of late. We are completely enjoying our early spring and looking forward to the start of baseball season. It will be a fun spring with James, Sam, Jake and I all participating on ball teams this year. Busy but worth it I’m sure. The boys are excited to get started with their season as well as cheering James and I on!

Anyway, here are a few pictures of what’s been happening here:

The one above and the one below are our little adventure back to Vancouver during the Paralympics. We didn’t get to see much during the actual Olympics when we went downtown so this was a much better adventure for our family!

The pictures below are a small family celebration for Christina’s 19th birthday (James’ cousin from Ontario who is currently living with his parents)

Now that the weather has been so beautiful the kids enjoy spending a lot of time out front. Although we have a pretty busy street Sam, Jake and Lanae know their boundaries and usually pretty good about staying away from the road. As a visual reminder we usually park a car parallel on the driveway to keep them from just darting out or heaven forbid another car from careening in.

This is my darling baby who likes to wear the top of the popcorn popper as a hat. I quite often find Annie with this get-up and needless to say it always gives me a chuckle.

Sam’s teacher is very creative in her art and because Sam enjoys art he often comes home with very well done pieces. This is just a sample of one of the pieces they did for the Olypmics.

Finally this is a picture of Lanae pretending to be a Kangaroo! She came up with this idea all by herself and I have to admit I was pretty surprised at the knowledge she had about this animal considering we’ve never talked about it.

So the third myth that Fields states in her book is that “Parenting is your highest calling”!!! Who doesn’t enter parenthood thinking this is true and yet as a young mom I’ve often felt the shrivelling in my spirit as I think of what happens if I fail at this task. In reading this book I understand how as individuals, regardless of our earthly role, we are called to something much greater than this…”If I pursue God first as my highest calling and am satisfied in his love, then I am freed not to love my children less but to love them rightly.” (p. 73) WOW…a huge eye opener in understanding that and knowing how I have failed at that call more often than I’ve failed in the call of being a mother.

On page 66 she states, “our greatest and most constant temptation as parents is to unseat the Sovereign from his throne and replace him with our family”. How many times have I put my family before my faith and my personal relationship with my own Creator. Matthew 10:37 (New International Version) says this:

37″Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me;

I see now how my motherly eyes have been blinded to believe that by placing more emphasis on my role as a parent rather than as a child of God, I have actually done my children a disservice. I have limited my communion with the Holy Spirit which in turn limits my ability to be the kind of parent God is capable of making me.

What I feel challenged by in this chapter is this…I must be willing to serve my husband and my children because they are who God has blessed me with but when I feel the Spirit leading in a direction somewhat contradictory to this area of service I must follow to experience the greater purpose God has for my life. By not following I miss out on the great blessing he has for me and jeopardize the greater purpose he may intend for my family!

How many times have you heard the phrase that being a mother is natural and your instinct will kick in??? I love this chapter of Fields book, “Parenting is your highest calling…”

She has so many poignant ideas that strike a chord deep in my mothering soul. In this chapter she talks about how parenting is actual quite the opposite especially if we consider our human nature. As Christians we know that we have a sinful nature that is selfish and not at all capable of constantly loving unconditionally. She starts the chapter with a moment I’ve had numerous times in my mothering years. A day starts with the intention of being loving, kind, generous and loving unconditionally but one thing leads to another…I fight with my son, I get irritated with my daughter, food gets spilled, toys are strewn everywhere and bedtime is a battle. She sums it up exactly how I feel…”By the time we were done my heart was cold. I had lost my appetite for sweet affirmations of love and I no longer felt like praying…My life with this son did not begin this way.”(p38) How many times in a day have I cried these same words.

She proceeds to explain that as we check scripture against this idea that loving is natural and instinctive we will find exactly the opposite. I love how she pulls scripture after scripture out of the old testament of God’s disappointment in his chosen people for their lack of obedience and faith. His desire to give them so much more but their lack of interest and often turning their backs on the one who loves them most. Yet he continually disciplines them and then gives them another chance. He communes with them despite his holy anger at their disobedience and wayward ways. The challenge she presents is how are we measuring this “natural” love we have for our children.

“I want to measure love not by what I receive but by the orientation of my own heart and my actions towards others.” (p. 52) If I chose to recognize that I will not naturally love my children unconditionally because I simply can’t do that on my own but to find freedom in the fact that in God’s grace he will give me what I need to love my children and long for communion with them despite the things they do.

Thankfully my excitement for God’s word has become even greater and the freedom I am feeling is amazing. I love how in choosing a relationship over duties I feel a connection deeper than I’ve felt in a long time.

The thing that intrigues me the most is how in these times of communion with God life can still get pretty ugly around us and yet the peace that passes understanding can be so all encompassing that we really can take great steps forward. I have often wondered how people whom I consider very wise in the ways of the Lord can have such tragedy invade their lives on a regular basis? How does one really cope with that and keep it together, all the while rejoicing and praising God for his goodness? This week has brought a little glimpse of that into my life. Although it isn’t really tragedy but rather deep, personal struggles that a family member faces I feel God’s presence and peace in a way I’ve never felt before. I hear the words of scripture and see the faith of people through the centuries and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is alive and bursting when one of his children chooses life over and over!

I have kept reading daily with the rest of my congregation and everyday brings a new nugget of information from texts I have read numerous times in my life.

Matthew 5:28 “because she thought, ‘If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed’.”
How amazing to me that the mere touch of Jesus’ robe would bring healing that she had sought for a lifetime. What would be different in my life if I had faith that great.

Mark 26:13 “‘I tell you the truch, wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.'” How many times have I heard the story of the woman who sacrificed a year’s wages to honor Jesus. Her story has been told for centuries and still is in memory of her!

Matthew 27:52 “The tombs broke open and the bodes of many holy people who had died were raised to life.” I have NEVER actually read this scripture before or at least not SEEN it with eyes open. How awesome must that have been?

Mark 6:51&52 “Then he climbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down. They were completely amazed, for they had not understood about the loaves; their hearts were hardened.” WHY??? How could these men who had given up everything for Jesus and seen him perform miracle after miracle have hardened hearts and still not understand who he was? Yet day after day I am surrounded by God’s miracles: my children, his creation, the love I still have for my husband after almost 11 years of marriage, a fully intact extended family who loves him wholeheartedly, and yet I often doubt how he will provide for some of our financial needs. Really how much do I need to see before I believe he is all-powerful?

What I love the most is that in all this I do feel his love, his disappointment in my lack of faith but forgiveness for the sinful nature that controls me. I hear his reassurance in the story of his miraculous birth and death on the cross for me and saving grace so that one day I may share with him a communion beyond this life!