I’m going to attempt something most people would find absurd…blogging while the kids are still awake!!! I know, I know it’s kind of silly to try but when you feel like you need to just sit down with a cup of tea and write or you might explode it’s probably best to oblige;)
Last night I was privileged to attend the first of four sessions that are meant to help me “dig deeper” in my faith and really think beyond the confines of what I’ve been taught for the past 30 years. Not that there is anything wrong with what I’ve been taught but as one of the attendees said, “you can never learn TOO MUCH about God”! Isn’t it true? Isn’t it amazing that with the small percentage of knowledge we accumulate in our lifetime we don’t even come close to matching the knowledge of God. If I ever have the opportunity to share my blog with those who are not Christ-followers I hope that in this post they see how there is so much that “christians” do not know. We claim to have a lot of inside information but really when you start thinking about it, how much do we really know? We still have a lot of unanswered questions.
The one example that really hit me is found in 1 Corinthians 9&10. It talks about no eye has seen and no ears have heard…but most importantly it says how “no mind can conceive” what He has prepared for us. I think I’ve read that verse more than a dozen times in my life and yet the enormity of that thought just hit a nerve. The truth of the matter is that not even one person here on earth could begin to understand or “conceive” what else there is for us.
If truth be told the evening was a little overwhelming. Despite the fact that it was facilitated by someone whom I deeply respect, it was so much to digest in such a short period of time. I think there were a few times that my brain literally took a leave of absence. But it felt good to exercise my brain and begin thinking outside the proverbial box! I am looking forward to the rest of our interactions as a group and what these new people have to offer my spiritual journey.