I’m not really sure how to put into words the thoughts in my head the last few days. Many, MANY people have put their feelings, their heartache, their impressions, their solutions and beliefs into words through this amazing place we call “the web”. Quite a few have been articulate, well thought out, beautiful, tributes to the lives lost just a few days ago.
At various moments throughout the last few days it has hit me. Most of the time I feel silly at the threatening tears, recognizing that I didn’t know these precious little ones, their families, their classmates. In no way at all does the tragedy of Friday’s events personally impact me. BUT, the truth is as a mother, as a human being, it does…as the details of these little lives and the ones that survived are released I find myself pausing at random moments, struck with a heaviness of heart and a lump in my throat, pondering how difficult these next few weeks will be for those who are personally living this nightmare. What I feel is the deep sorrow for the pain each mother has to endure. The snuggles lost, the tender moments, the “I love you’s”, the day to day interactions that happen between a mother and her child that many times we take for granted, the sense they will always have that something is missing.