So as many of you have already acknowledged I celebrated my 30th birthday today!! Wow just saying those words makes me feel a little bit older. Thanks to my wonderful children, a great husband and fabulous parents, I did in fact feel like today was a special day. Despite being woken up at 5:30 by my beautiful daughter the day got off to a good start. Sam woke up at 6:30 and realizing I did not want my day to start with a fight I let him go about his business. Good choice mom! He popped into my room at 7:00 to see if I was awake and give me my birthday present. He’d wrapped it in a gift bag and made a special card, which he signed from him and Jake. It turned out he’d picked out a beautiful blouse for me when shopping with my mom a couple of weekends ago. She had no clue he was up to that until they met at the till (it was a small store) and he brought along the desired shirt. Mom warned me that I might not like it but as it turns out my 7 year old son has amazing fashion taste! He wanted me to wear it all day but between walking the kids to school and doing laundry I figured I’d save it. I changed my mind as the day wore on thinking how special it was that he wanted to give me something. I got all “dressed” up for dinner and then ended the day with a Dairy Queen ice cream cake donned with the numbers “29”! Smart man, that husband of mine, I have now entered the years of being perpetually 29.

All that to say that 30 isn’t so bad, at least not so far. I had a moment today realizing that I have four beautiful children, I’m done having babies, pretty soon I’ll need to start thinking about a career and my children are growing too fast! But overall I just realized that there is nothing in my life I regret, nothing in my life I wished I’d already done and knowing there are so many more, good years ahead of me. God has blessed me with a great family, both immediate and extended, and many, many great friends. What more could a 30 year old girl ask for?

I don’t have any pictures to go with this one but just some words of love and encouragement and hopefully wisdom for those with dads close by!

My dad and I have never really shared a close relationship. Anybody that has known me for any length of time knows that my mom and I have always been really close and shared a pretty strong bond. My parents were always open about the fact that I was born before they were married and for the first 2 1/2 years of my life it was just my mom and I. Probably that was part of the reason we became so close, it started out just the two of us. My dad entered back into the picture and it wasn’t like I actually remember him ever not being there but those are formative years. At times throughout my teenage years I could see the envy my dad had for that relationship but couldn’t quite see his way through developing ours any deeper. To be honest I probably wouldn’t have responded much to it anyway since I loved the confidante I found in my mom. Having said that over the last five years my mom and I have seen our ups and downs because of a variety of life circumstances, choices made on both our parts to take that relationship for granted and just generally a normal progression of changes in relationship. But in that I have found an ability to appreciate who my dad is and what he has done in my life and why I need to find as many opportunities to show him how much he means to me!

After the last 2 years of my dad being out of town for weeks at a time and short visits upon his return I have realized I would greatly miss his calming and stabilizing presence in our family. My dad is quiet, there’s no question but in that quietness he has taught us many things. From the outside (because I know my mom doesn’t see her marriage as perfect) I have watched a man love his wife unconditionally and support a great many hopes and desires. I have seen a man who chooses acceptance of his children for who they are despite having felt rejection from his own father because of who he is. I see a man who wants desperately to give his family all he can possibly give even when the sacrifice may be more than he should be willing to sacrifice. I see that faith isn’t always visible in regular church attendance or deep spiritual discussions but in everyday living and quietness that many people fail to appreciate. I know that whatever should happen in my life I can depend on my dad to love me and do whatever he can to be a part of the life I’ve chosen no matter what turns it may take.

Over the last couple months, as I’ve evaluated my relationship with my children and made the effort to “date” my sons, I’ve chosen to make that same effort with my dad. The first time was kind of awkward, just as much as it was with Sam or Jake. It felt forced to really talk and I didn’t want to get too deep not really knowing what he was comfortable with but this last time was awesome as we spent two hours over tea and coffee and dessert just talking about life. A moment here or there getting deeper than the rest but overall just enjoying being together and connecting in a way that will hopefully bring us closer in the years to come and be a support for what we will both face as life continues to change and throw curve balls that we may or may not be prepared for!

Next time I imagine will be even better and as I continue to pursue this bond I truly hope and pray that God will honor both our desires to love and uplift each other in our regular interactions.

As the time flies by I’m constantly being reminded to enjoy this stage as all too soon it will pass and my little ones will no longer be little. As many have told me there is a bittersweetness to your last child and I can clearly see how this holds true. My baby girl is now 5 1/2 months old and I’m watching as she grows from tiny newborn, to baby and all too soon it will be toddlerhood. She’s already eating far too much rice cereal in a day and trying hard to “play” with whatever we sit in front of her. She’s a wonderful fourth baby and too entirely sweet. As I watch her grow and learn I am allowing myself the opportunity to both enjoy and grieve these amazing transitions. I find joy in seeing her discover and begin to understand her world. I appreciate that once she is out of diapers I won’t have to change anymore dirty pants and find myself facing middle of the night feedings or any other nighttime activity engaged in by babies. But for the most part I find myself shedding a tear or two here and there in the reality that I will never again experience the sweet moments of tenderness holding a completely satisfied, snuggly newborn, or nourishing a little life as only a mother can, or hearing the quiet mewlings of a tiny baby. It is on to the world of mischeviousness and “real” parenting. Letting go and teaching how to do things on their own. I may find myself more and more often wishing for those days when I could simply gather them in my arms to quiet their simple protests.

For the moment I will try to simply enjoy the wonderful moments of babyhood that will come with my last little munchkin and love this beautiful little girl that God has blessed me with. In all honestly I will truly eat my words of mockery towards my own mother in her “mothering” of my baby brother because only now have I truly understood how much that last little one can bring so much rich emotion into your life and the changes of perspective that come with the last little chicken entering the big, wide world.

So it’s been awhile since I’ve blogged and although it’s way to late in the evening to blog right now I had a few minutes to upload my pictures and because it was such a cool day I thought I might as well do it now.

Today was the Grand Prix for Awana. For those who don’t know what that is here’s the low-down. Awana is a clubs program for christian kids to participate in. They learn bible verses, play games and are basically challenged in their spiritual walk. The Grand Prix is a special day set aside for each child and parents who want to participate in creating a car and racing it against other kids cars. Although James and I have not chosen to put our children in clubs we have made it a priority for them to participate in the Grand Prix. It’s our third year and although it makes for a really long day it is neat to see a big group of kids hanging out, enjoying each other’s company and doing something fun.

Last year James, Sam and Jake all made cars. Jake was the only one who took home a trophy and it was a second place in the Novice B division. This year the Davenport men cleaned house. Sam and Jake raced against each other in the finals and Jake took home first place, while Sam proudly claimed third. Then James took home second in the pro division. My men don’t worry about their design (despite the fact that James does design type stuff for a living). The boys just draw a picture of what they want daddy to cut out and then they sand and paint them together. It’s a quick, easy, manly thing to do together and they enjoy every minute of it.

Here are a few pictures of their fun moments!

Next year will be an entirely different look because Lanae will want to participate as well so it won’t be the manly, boy time but it will still be completely enjoyable. It was so much fun watching them celebrate and enjoying being together.

As some of you may or may not have noticed I posted about Lanae moving into her “Big girl” bed last night for the first time. I was so excited to get my old daybed set up complete with rod iron hearts and porceline knobs! Seeing my old bed set up for my beautiful little girl was such a fulfilling vision. I’m not quite sure why but knowing that I was passing something on to my little lady, despite it being material, feels good.

She was absolutely fabulous as James tucked her into bed and cuddled her before coming to find me. I went in to say goodnight and saw her tiny little body snuggled into the duvet barely even peeking out. She took up so little of the bed I’m sure she could have easily have gotten lost but she giggled happily while she informed me of her new bed.

A friend asked if I was a bit sad, seeing the time fly and I have to admit that I was ready to move her into this next stage of life, especially with little Annie so close behind. Of course there is a small part of me that watches this beautiful little princess grow and grow and I know a moment in time will come when I hardly recognize the tiny girl as she stands before me a grown woman. I can only hope that I will cherish these moments as they come and remember how precious she is. Perhaps my good friend’s comment will serve as a reminder that I should not push her too fast into growing up and miss what little time I have with her as a little child, eager to giggle and snuggle!

The pictures below really do speak a thousand words but sometimes I feel the need to explain the ramblings in my heart and mind to others rather than just to myself!

Over the christmas holidays I enjoyed my family in a way I have not ever before. When the time came for my oldest two to return to school I really did feel a tug on my heart at how fast time is flying by and how these moments I love will never return. It’s not necessarily a sad reflection but a reality check for me that my days are indeed numbered, known only to my Creator, but most important is how I spend them regardless of how many there are.

James was able to take a few days off here and there and even hearing him grudgingly return to work once his days off were complete reminded me how blessed I am to have a man who not only allowed me the freedom to bring four children into our family, but also allows me to stay home to raise them and himself, enjoys as much time as he can possibly get with them. As I have had the opportunity to reflect with several friends lately on the unfortunate moments in our marriage when we do not see eye to eye and chose to allow our emotions to take us places we would not rationally agree to go I am thankful that James and I share a faith and belief that God is greater than all this and can help us overcome those desperate moments that could, in fact, tear us apart.

I can honestly say as I glance at the pictures below that God has brought me to a very content place. Sure we are still dealing here and there with minor crisis’ but in the grand scheme of things I see that there is nothing terrible about where we are at. As I remind the kids often that we have food to eat, clothes to wear, a roof over our heads, beds to sleep in, and the list goes on and on and on. Our every need is met and most of our desires have also been fulfilled. It’s more than I can say for many other people in our world, so for that I am grateful.

Anyway, I could ramble on and on with random thoughts, probably a good reason to blog more often but I should in fact go to bed because although my sweet baby girl is a great sleeper and very pleasant in general she still has a tendency to awaken rather early. So thank you to those of you who are still checking my blog and hopefully you will find something encouraging here as I have found from many of you.

This is where it all began…

My four beautiful children who continue to delight and frustrate me every day and probably for many years to come! I wouldn’t have it any other way.

A family I am so proud of! Nothing more could possibly be said.

I know it’s been a long time since I blogged so part of my evening tonight is catching up with everyone on how our family is doing!!! Life has been crazy as any mom knows regardless of how many children you have. I’m thankful for my health and the ability to chase after these little munchkins at such a fast pace but I want to try and enjoy them at this stage as well. Having said that here are a few memorable moments with my beautiful eldest daughter as she continues to grow from toddlerhood to little girl.

This picture was on her birthday when Uncle Tim decided to show her how funny it would be to try and fit the plastic hamburger in her mouth. Needless to say Uncle Tim could get the whole thing in his mouth and still have room but little Lanae could only get it in this far. It’s pretty good for a 2 year old. I guess it’s just a good indication of what we might have in store in a few years.

This is one of the beautiful gifts Lanae received. A very sweet red jacket, one I’m sure will be remembered for years to come.

For those who know Lanae, you know how much she loves shoes so I decided to make a shoe cake for her birthday. I had so much fun decorating it and then watching her reaction to it.

Here she is trying to blow out the candles. It took a few tries and many encouraging words from the rest of the party animals but she finally managed to blow it out herself.

And of course how every little girl feels when she’s full of sugar and received way too many gifts and really just needs to head to bed. Thank goodness for granddads who are willing to put up with a few tears.

Of course so many things tend to happen in fall and it’s hard to keep track of them all! I love this time of year so much and now with my kidlets in school it makes it even more exciting.

So here are a few of the things that have happened in the last few weeks since I posted! Sam & Jake both started school! Both love school so much right now which is a relief to me. Jake was more than eager to just get dropped off at his preschool class for the first day without me but thankfully I got to stay and observe. The second day Nana just dropped him off and he waved at the door. He wasn’t even really ready to leave when I finally did come pick him up. Oh well, just goes to show that you never know how your kids might react! Here are a few pictures of the boys on Jake’s first day of preschool.

Then of course Lanae gets some time with mommy and this is how we make good use of our time together, just girls!!

Of course no blog entry will be complete without a report on the status of Baby #4 (I guess I could refer to her by name but it’s much more fun just waiting until she’s actually born). This is me at 34 weeks preggo (taken just two days ago). She’s definitely grown in the last 2 weeks and I’m starting to feel the discomfort of pregnancy but I know it will be well worth it once she finally arrives.

Finally here is the newest addition to our ever expanding family! Thanks to some friends of our,, we have adopted a tiny little furball who still needs to be fed from dropper! Yes we are suckers and I know we’ll probably wonder why the heck we did it just like every other pet we’ve owned but for the moment she’s kind of cute and the kids really like her. Finally the girls will outnumber the boys in our home! Make sure you check out Andrea’s blog to see how they managed to rescue the little lady.