The pictures below really do speak a thousand words but sometimes I feel the need to explain the ramblings in my heart and mind to others rather than just to myself!
Over the christmas holidays I enjoyed my family in a way I have not ever before. When the time came for my oldest two to return to school I really did feel a tug on my heart at how fast time is flying by and how these moments I love will never return. It’s not necessarily a sad reflection but a reality check for me that my days are indeed numbered, known only to my Creator, but most important is how I spend them regardless of how many there are.
James was able to take a few days off here and there and even hearing him grudgingly return to work once his days off were complete reminded me how blessed I am to have a man who not only allowed me the freedom to bring four children into our family, but also allows me to stay home to raise them and himself, enjoys as much time as he can possibly get with them. As I have had the opportunity to reflect with several friends lately on the unfortunate moments in our marriage when we do not see eye to eye and chose to allow our emotions to take us places we would not rationally agree to go I am thankful that James and I share a faith and belief that God is greater than all this and can help us overcome those desperate moments that could, in fact, tear us apart.
I can honestly say as I glance at the pictures below that God has brought me to a very content place. Sure we are still dealing here and there with minor crisis’ but in the grand scheme of things I see that there is nothing terrible about where we are at. As I remind the kids often that we have food to eat, clothes to wear, a roof over our heads, beds to sleep in, and the list goes on and on and on. Our every need is met and most of our desires have also been fulfilled. It’s more than I can say for many other people in our world, so for that I am grateful.
Anyway, I could ramble on and on with random thoughts, probably a good reason to blog more often but I should in fact go to bed because although my sweet baby girl is a great sleeper and very pleasant in general she still has a tendency to awaken rather early. So thank you to those of you who are still checking my blog and hopefully you will find something encouraging here as I have found from many of you.
This is where it all began…
My four beautiful children who continue to delight and frustrate me every day and probably for many years to come! I wouldn’t have it any other way.
A family I am so proud of! Nothing more could possibly be said.
Great ramblings Elise. I agree that although we feel like we are dealing with crises so often, we are so blessed and looking back, wouldn’t change a thing.
Thanks for the tear-jerker! 🙂 Great inspiration from a great Mommy.
What a wonderful tribute to your special family and our wonderful Creator! Luv ya Elise!
hey Elise,
you do have a beautiful family, and you are truly blessed!! what amazing gifts God has given us . Such a good reminder (daily) that we have some much to pour out for others of the goodness we have received. 🙂
thanks for the thoughts.
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