I’ve said it before but I’ll gladly say it again…my husband is SO CREATIVE!!!  Whether it’s being creative at work, creative at parenting or just plain creative with life, his mind thinks in ways I cannot fathom.  The latest creative endeavor in our home has been sandwich bags made uniquely for each child.

Now let’s just clear the air from the start.  There is no possible way for me to claim that this is environmentally friendly, in fact it’s probably quite the opposite.  However the anticipation it creates for my children to open their lunches makes it easier for me to justify my contribution to global warming.

James came across a designer’s blog some time ago that had fun ideas for using your creative skills in your child’s lunchbox.  He showed me some of the unique creations and then expressed the desire to do something similar with his kiddos.  So he started one Sunday evening with one black and one red sharpie.  The result was stunning…four drawings on a ziploc baggie for each of his kids.  The picture was something special to them and a way for him to let his kids know that he thought of them throughout the day.

Three weeks later and said creative idea going strong, I decided to fill his “toolbox” with a whole set of colorful sharpies.  The result was wonderful…

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Over the last two months it’s served a purpose of being in our kids lives even while they’re away from us and more than that, allows James to express his love for his children in a way that incorporates his talents and abilities.  Last week it served to bring us together as a family in our grief.  The picture I shared in my last post of Ryker’s passing included a butterfly.  That butterfly graced the door of the room he was born in.  While it was a painful reminder to us adults  that the room housed death, it will continue to serve as a reminder of Ryker’s brief, flitting into our lives and out again and for our children, a symbol of the cousin they love but will never know.  In honor of that memory James created four butterflies, each with a different color but mirror images of that little butterfly on Ryker’s door.

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Last weekend we celebrated my dad’s 60th birthday!  It was a wonderful day to take our focus off our sorrow for a brief period of time and celebrate a man who has greatly impacted all of us.  I’ll share that post another day, which you’ll have to read in order to understand the reason for these particular drawings, but for the moment it’s fun to see to how James celebrated that event with our kids again in their lunches.

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I’m proud of my husband!  He is a gifted artist and creator, he uses his abilities in unique ways to influence the people around him and to positively impact his children.  When I hear my daughters refer to their daddy as a “superhero”, I can’t help but nod my head in agreement!  He is “super” and he is a “hero”…he’s somebody to look up to and admire and this one little tidbit of his creative capacity is just a small part of his super-ness!!!

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