Okay so here are a few pictures of my sweet children all ready to head out Trick ‘o’ Treating.

Grandma got this costume for Lanae @ Winner’s. She was out shopping one day and couldn’t resist the cuteness!

Here is our special giraffe boy. He had so much fun going door to door and having his pail filled. At one point he said to James and I, “I LOVE candy, I LOVE trick ‘or’ treating”. It was very cute and thankfully they haven’t been too obsessive with the candy (most of the time they don’t have more than one piece every two days).

Here is Spidey. Sam had fun picking out his costume and as you can see he has the pose down pat (don’t worry though, he hasn’t and won’t be seeing the movie anytime soon).

And the three sweethearts together. As you can tell Lanae was getting a little tired of being in her costume.

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