I will be updating my photos shortly to show off my cute children dressed up for Halloween but I just wanted to post a quick Happy Birthday to Lanae. As of 4 minutes ago she was one year old. I am remembering being overwhelmed because her birth was so quick. My most vivid memories are first of James driving like a wild man trying to make it to the hospital in time and the second, of me yelling that Christa was not going to make the birth and her bursting into the room, “I’m here, I’m here”. I’m glad you made it lady and when we do it again I might consider letting you come a second time (maybe in the car with us just in case you have to help deliver the baby).

Anyway, Lanae is such a joy to all of us. She is sweet, beautiful, good-natured and just so much fun. I can’t imagine our family without her. I know she’s going to be a go-getter and a talker, I know she gets that from me. I’m so excited to see what kind of woman God is going to make her but also just enjoying the little girlyness that is right now.

Thanks for letting me share.

2 thoughts on “My baby girl

  1. What a beautiful post about a beautiful girl. Lanae is a treasure to me and so is her Mommy! Count me in for the car ride – though I’m not 100 percent sure about delivering the baby. 🙂 Next time I’ll take you to the hospital immediately after we walk around the track!!!

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