So after my ranting and raving about being frustrated here is the beautiful entrance of our lovely second daughter into this crazy world. This first picture was taken two days before she was born at 38 weeks 6 days pregnant.
Annika Joy Davenport was born at 10:00pm on October 15th, 2008, weighing in at 7 lbs. 8 oz. and was 19 inches long. She was born 40 minutes after my water broke and technically that was pretty much the length of my labour. Of course as any woman who has been pregnant knows contractions can occur for some time before full blown labour takes place and this was the case as I had contractions all day but nothing that amounted to much. She was born so fast that the midwives did not make it but with the help of a very wonderful husband and four amazing maternity ward nurses I delivered the last of our beautiful children. Here we are shortly after she was born, just the three of us. The nurses pretty did their thing and then left us alone to bond with our little girl.
The kids have all been great with their new baby sister. Lanae loves to hold her and kiss her but thankfully has not tried to pick her up by herself yet. She pretty much listens when I ask her to leave Annie alone.
Jake is a snuggler as most people know! He loves to hold Annie too but it only lasts for a few minutes at best. He’s getting better and I know he’s going to have a special bond with her.
Sam is definitely my biggest helper. He is very good at holding Annie and if I need to go do something he’ll make sure she’s taken care of and our of reach of the other kids. He’s definitely a kid person in a quiet sort of way. He informed my dad shortly after Annie was born that he was planning on having 4 or 5 kids of his own. I guess Grandma and Grandpa better get a big house because not only are they going to be having a lot of grandkids, it sounds like their going to be having a lot of great-grandkids too.
Finally she opens her eyes. As a typical newborn she still spend much of her time sleeping. She has been amazing at night so far allowing me to get a good 7-8 hours of sleep. Not all in one go but with at least one 3 hour stint and one 4-5 hour stint. I can’t complain as she is a very easy little girl so far.
Here she is at a few days old…
And at 1 week exactly. It’s amazing to me how much they change in the first month and even in the first week.
So at some point I will post a picture of our completed family. We have been blessed with two wonderful boys and two beautiful little girls. I know we will face many challenges in the years to come but God has been good to us in giving us four healthy children and as my own wonderful mother has said so many times, “as long as we have each other, we have everything we need”!!