I think I’m almost done catching you all up with our lives aside from some random cute pictures that I’ll post next. Anyway, we have always enjoyed at least a short visit to Agrifair and this year my mom asked us to tag along with her. We got to see a variety of things including the Avatar circus, definitely amatuers but the kids enjoyed it, the loggin show, the racing pigs, the donkeys, cows, tractors and of course the rodeo. We had a fun day with mom and the kids and definitely know to make that a priority during the summer.
They had a pretty good kids area too with a McDonald’s play area and a some jumping houses. The kids spent a good hour just checking things out there. Plus it was great for the daddies too since they had a Wii demonstration there so of course my husband is now convinced that’s the greatest invention every. Needless to say I’m not nearly as convinced.